Tuesday, November 6, 2007

a new post to reacclimate you to my post

so I haven't been writing for a while.
I have been semi-passively observing
the MLB baseball season, and now its over.

i've gotten a few notes of confidence,
votes of confidence even,
that the public,
at least those in my vicinity,
want to hear from me.

so here I am.
here but for the grace of sportstalk radio, go I.

I gotta say,

1. i was getting pretty tired of being a baseball-only geek.
that's a lot best left for the geeky
kinda guys, which i don't think i am (anymore at least),

and 2.
i have been getting into the habit of looking forward to saturdays,
when college football brings me
to a different place in the sports fandom universe.
f--k the red sox in the American "Fever Pitch" movie,
based on the book
about being an English Soccer fan,
by Nick Hornby.
That honorable position should be given
to the fans of a college football team.
someplace honorable in the ncaa ftbl world,
like Alabama (the big red-also see Forrest Gump),
Ohio State (with the big 'O' guy as a mascot),
Penn State (with old as Joe-Pa, and the first cool 90's logo),
Auburn (to be fair to my boy P-Conn)
Texas (hook'em horns isn't known worldwide only cause of Geo.W)
and even the yankees of college football,
the Notre Dame fightin' irish.
i love how the host of a KNBR show,
who is the biggest ND fan on the air
(while being about the size of the leprechaun mascot)
got mad at me on the air,
when i spelled the name Norte Dame
for him on the caller computer.
that's how you say it, right?
Nor-ter Dah-m
or i guess Noh-ter Dah-mm
oh kay, so Notre Dame it is.
my bad, Fitz.

anyway, I guess i'll be writing more frequently now.
now that its the time of year
when typing keeps my brain warm.
also, how do you like this new psudo-format?
i got some positive feedback
when i emailed in the "prose" format
that i have comfortably created,
because i don't like punctuation
and all its technicalities.

if you find this format hard to read,
please email me with your formal complaint,
because getting the point across
is what communication is about.

also, i guess if i promise to write again,
like i did in the post entitled:
"my first post for june"
then i guess i won't for another 5 months.
so i'll end by telling you
that i won't write.
ever again.
then i'll write all the time,
unless anti-jinxing
becomes a jinx on its own.
this total thought process
is what it takes,
to be a true boston redsox fan,
which i'm not, because its too much work!

no more lingering good bye.
talk to you soon -